Rust – Electricity Guides
These Rust electricity guides by me and my teammate Gampine to help you on your everyday playing of Rust.
Rust electricity allows for more complex base builds in terms of defense against raiders (both online and offline), automation of crops farms, automatic lightning at night and other awesome features.
We highly recommend going to a build server if you are new to electricity in Rust. You will probably fail the first few times, but you will learn the different functions of each component when doing so. You can also use the links provided in each guide to see how the schematics works and test them on the Rust server.
Also check out our tools like the Rust Raid Calculator and Rust Aim Trainer.
Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more content.
All Rust Electricity Guides
1-second Timer Loop Circuit with RAND switch
Fun way to test and try the RAND Switch for beginners.
1-second Timer Loop Circuit
Easy to test and try if you are new to electrics in Rust.
2-way Door Controller
Doors will open automatically for you both inside & outside.
24 Hour Clock Timer / Stopwatch
Ever wanted an in-game clock?
Automatic Battery Backup
When power cuts, battery takes over.
Backup Generator Auto Turret Circuit
When power flats out the generator takes over.
Base Defence Turrets with Garage Doors
Defend your base with a flick of a switch.
Chained Backup Generator Fail-over Circuit
Why have one tiny backup when you can have four instead.
Fully Automatic Watering
This badboy will run 24/7 if you leave it on.
Large Farm Base 4×4 room – 3 floors
Fully optimized farm base that require only 1 Large Battery!
Plain & Simple CCTV Setup
When you need the most lightweight setup of them all.
Random Open/Close Door Circuit
Perfect to simulate active players in a base.
RF Transmitter Toggled Generator Circuit
Have some fun tricking players with toggling on/off the turret.
Remote Shop Visitor Counter
Track players with this handy counter.
Simple Night Detector For Ceiling Lights
Automatically detect night for indoor lightning.
Simple Turret Warning with counter and Rust+
Small setup for 1 turret with counter and Rust+ notification.
Simple Watering Timer
Just adjust the timer how long you want it to run.
Trap Base with delay and autoreset
Make salty players even more salty.
Wireless SAM Site Circuit and Status
If you have a strong urge to troll some players.
Simple & Cheap Raid Alert to Rust+
If you have a strong urge to troll some players.