Change List 230
6. June 2020
Source: Facepunch
- Added Rust+ tab to the main menu
- Added pairing with the companion app (make sure `app.port` isn’t firewalled!)
- Added push notifications for when teammates join the server
- Added push notifications for when you’re killed when not playing
- Added a deployable Smart Switch
- Added a deployable Smart Alarm
- Added a deployable button
- Added detail layer parameters to the workshop editor (allows removal of “micronormals”)
- Added fuzz mask parameter to the workshop editor
- Added Spiral Stairs and Triangle Spiral Stairs building blocks
- Added Ramp and Steps building blocks (replace Foundation Steps)
- Added Triangle Floor Frame building block
- Added Triangle Ladder Hatch deployable
- Added Triangle Floor Grill deployable
- Added conditional wall corners to bases
- Fixed the workshop editor generating blank icons for wearables
- Fixed the workshop editor erroring opening the mining hat
- Fixed a white edge appearing on the generated workshop icons
- Mostly fixed respawning underwater when oceanlevel is increased (avoid underwater islands for now)
- Fixed some bits of code that were not pooling correctly
- Fixed a bunch of NullReferenceException errors
- Fixed game tip code allocating memory occasionally
- Fixed a number of building exploits
- Fixed a number of anti hack exploits
- Fixed a number of anti hack false positives
- Fixed 3rd person weapon attachment offsets
- Fixed spas12 viewmodel – shell floating into shot during reload
- Fixed a bunch of translation setup issues
- Fixed Ch47 Event dropping hackablecrate at the same monument
- Fixed a number of instant death zones inside Caves and Savas
- Reduced memory allocations when updating your inventory
- Reduced memory allocations when pressing buttons
- Improvements to hair material for more natural looking shades
- Improved server performance with Fluid IO Entities
- Improved large furnace deployment
- Updated Hapis Island vending machines