The WPBridge for Rust by Murky plugin and its official documentation is sadly gone offline, and we would like to host the documentation on this page from now on. We take no credit towards this plugin, all honor of making it goes to the creator – Murky.
What is WPBridge?
WordPress Bridge integrates WordPress with uMod/Oxide enabled Rust servers. This makes it possible for Rust admins to show updated player statistics and server information on their WordPress site.
# Features
- Communication with a Rust server with uMod/Oxide that has the WPBridge for WordPress plugin installed and configured.
- Communicates via WordPress REST API and saves the data to database.
- Implements several shortcodes.
-’s API integration.
# Installation
All documentation on how to install on the GitHub repository –
# How to download?
# Documentation
Server Statistics
The shortcode returns the respective server variable requested.
Example 1: [ wpbridge_server_ip ]
Returns the current external ip for your server.
Example 2: [ wpbridge_server_identity ]
Returns the current identity set on your server.
Example 3: [ wpbridge_server_description ]
Returns the current description set on your server.
Remember to remove spaces right after starting bracket and closing bracket.
Server stats
- ip
- port
- level
- identity
- seed
- worldsize
- maxplayers
- hostname
- description
- updated
Player Statistics
[ wpbridge_top_REPLACEWITHSTAT num=”NUMBEROFPLAYERS” name=”false“ ]
The shortcode returns the respective server variable requested.
The shortcode returns either a table with X number of players that have the highest stat that is requested, or a string with a single players stat and name.
Example 1: [ wpbridge_top_kills num=”5″ ]
Returns a table with 5 players, showing both the numbers and names with highest number of kills.
Example 2: [ wpbridge_top_kills num=”1″ ]
Returns a string with the single player with most kills formatted like this: PLAYER has X kills.
Example 3: [ wpbridge_top_kills num=”1″ name=”false” ]
Returns only the number of the player with highest number of kills.
Example 4: [ wpbridge_top_lootbradheli num=”3″ ]
Returns a table with 3 players, showing both the numbers and names which have looted Brad/Heli the most.
Remember to remove spaces right after starting bracket and closing bracket.
Player stats
- joins
- leaves
- deaths
- suicides
- kills
- headshots
- wounded
- recoveries
- crafteditems
- repaireditems
- explosivesthrown
- voicebytes
- hammerhits
- reloads
- shots
- collectiblespickedup
- growablesgathered
- chats
- npckills
- meleeattacks
- mapmarkers
- respawns
- rocketslaunched
- antihackviolations
- npcspeaks
- researcheditems
- killedbynpc
- lootcontainer
- lootbradheli
- loothackable
- lootcontainerunderwater
Rust-servers API
[ wpbridge_player_info id=”YOUR_SERVER_ID” all=”true“ ]
Example 1: [ wpbridge_server_info id=”1″ ]
Returns a single string with short server status for Rust Server: Amsterdam 3.
Example 2: [ wpbridge_player_info id=”1″ all=”true” ]
Returns table of players online at Rust Server: Amsterdam 3.
Remember to remove spaces right after starting bracket and closing bracket.
Steam URI
[ wpbridge_steam_connect text=”BUTTON_TEXT” color=”COLOR” background=”BACKGROUND“ ]
The shortcode returns a button that players can click to instantly connect to your server using steam protocol.
Example 1: [ wpbridge_steam_connect ]
Default button with white text and black background that says “Join now”.
Example 2: [ wpbridge_steam_connect color=”red” ]
Button with red text and black background that says “Join now”.
Example 3: [ wpbridge_steam_connect color=”red” background=”white” text=”Play now!” ]
Button with red text and white background that says “Play now!”.
Remember to remove spaces right after starting bracket and closing bracket.